Project AIR

What We Are Trying to Solve

Our initiative, Project AIR (Achieve Inspire Rise), first started when we noticed issues with under-resourced youth in the community of Kansas City. In the Troost/Prospect area of Kansas City, there is a low graduation rate, with a low math and reading proficiency as well. In noticing this, our team decided to make a project pitch during the Project Creation Series, to help supply the students living in the area support in personal and professional development, along with the resources they need to help build their future.

Our Aim

Our current aim is to offer high school students in their junior and senior year in the Troost/Prospect area who are currently opportunities post high school or feel they need a greater sense of purpose. We will provide education training post-high school, such as resume building, how to apply for jobs and professional development. Team members of the project will work with the students directly, along with including community members to create a safe learning environment and support system. This training with come in the form of fun, interactive activities that will help students engage with the content, with students in Project AIR sharing their personal experiences to build trust.

Join the Team

Interested in helping the under resourced youth? Join our team meeting Thursdays @3pm on Zoom! For more information, contact project leader Lucja Basinska at